Friday, October 7, 2011

Looking for a large bag? Find it at Urban Outfitters!!!

Surprisingly, I've actually been shopping at Urban Outfitters (UO) since I started UCLA in '05 (don't try to guess my age because this year doesn't mean much). Perhaps it could have even been much earlier that I discovered UO. I definitely remember my first purchase there... it was a VERY pink bean bag pillow that everyone had and that I wanted. I've always wanted one, actually, and when I finally became more independent, I HAD to get one! And, of course, I did.

Now, as I working at Anthropologie , definitely had to utilize it's perks as an employee. Since Anthropologie is an offshoot of UO - also the mother company of Free People (I didn't know that till later.. but it totally makes sense...) and, the newest addition, BHLDN - we, as employees, have the same discounts at UO as well. So it's only natural for us to "peek" into UO from time to time - especially when it's employee's appreciation month and such.

To get to the point... this time, I definitely went into UO with a mission.

I was at a point where I was finally ready to get rid of my not-so-fashionable-GAP-black-and-boring messenger bag that even my husband complains. The first thing I did was do an online search. I went to Amazon, Zappos and many other places. And, of course, as usual, I couldn't find anything that I REALLY liked. Not only that, but you can't really see how big a bag is or how sturdy it is online. So I went back to the drawing board.

On, Wednesday, I made it a point to get a bag somewhere at Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade. I also wanted to make the most use out of having a shopping buddy for a few hours - a friend I hadn't seen for almost 3 years. With our mutual love for all things UO and Anthro, we, of course, went into UO before our last stop - Anthropologie. There @ UO, I found exactly what I needed and for a price that I could afford. :)  And here it is!

Urban Outfitter's Grey/Gray BDG Till Tote w/ Buckle (only in stores).
$58 (without discount)

photo by: Ax2D Photography
Here's a picture of a model holding the big. It definitely looks really big doesn't it? This bag is SOOOO big that it fits my REALLY fat 15.4 inch wide and almost 2 inch thick PINK Dell Inspiron 1525 (I hate this computer) AND MORE... Here's a funny "x-ray" type picture I just had to try out to show you JUST how big the bag is...

Left: picture from
Right: picture with my FLAMING HOT PINK laptop by Ax2D Photography

So yeah... if you EVER need to find a bag that trendy... useful... sturdy (hopefully) and not too expensive (like Anthropologie) UO is definitely the place to find it!

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